By virtue of R.A. 6846 otherwise known as the Social Housing Support Fund Act, the HGC is mandated to be the trustee and administrator of the Cashflow Guarantee component of the Abot Kaya Pabahay Fund.
*No premium fee shall be charged on enrollments under the system.
Purpose - To eliminate credit risk for funders of socialized housing loans.
Entities Eligible for Guaranty
- Social Security System (SSS)
- Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)
- Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) or Pag-IBIG and,
- Accredited Institutions of the SSS, GSIS and HDMF.
Accounts Eligible for Guaranty Cover
- Loan Purpose
- Acquisition of lot, house and lot
- Repair and improvement or expansion of existing dwelling unit
- Amount of Loan: Socialized housing loans not exceeding P 400,000.
- Interest Rate : Not exceeding 6% p.a.