About HGC
HGC_seal The Transparency Seal that is prominently displayed at the main page of the HGC website is a symbol of the Corporation’s commitment to comply with the Transparency Seal Provision of the General Appropriations Act.
HGC Compliance with the Transparency Seal Provision of the General Appropriations Act:
I. HGC Mandates and Functions, Mission and Vision, and Directory of Officials
  A. Mandates
  B. Mission and Vision
  C. Board of Directors
  D. Key Officers
II. DBM Approved Budget and Targets for FY 2018
  A. COB
  B. GAA Performance Targets for FY 2018
III. Modifications made pursuant to the general and special provisions in the FY 2018 GAA
  (Not applicable)
IV. Annual Procurement Plan (APP)
  A. APP non-CSE
    2019 APP (as of July 2019)
    2019 APP (as of January 2019)
    2019 APP Indicative non-CSE
    Updated 2018 APP non-CSE
    2018 APP non-CSE
    Updated 2017 APP non-CSE
    2017 APP non-CSE
    2019 APP-CSE
V. Major Projects, Programs and Activities, Beneficiaries, and Status of Implementation for FY 2018
  A. Accomplishment Report
4th Quarter Report
3rd Quarter Report
2nd Quarter Report
1st Quarter Report
Year-end Report
  B. Performance Scorecard Accomplishment Report
2018 Performance Scorecard
1st Quarter Monitoring Report
2nd Quarter Monitoring Report
3rd Quarter Monitoring Report
4th Quarter Monitoring Report
2017 Performance Scorecard
1st Quarter Monitoring Report
2nd Quarter Monitoring Report
3rd Quarter Monitoring Report
4th Quarter Monitoring Report
  A. Annual Financial Reports
  B. 2016-2017 Consolidated Annual Report
2011-2015 Consolidated Annual Report
VII. Annual Reports on the Status of Income authorized by law to be deposited outside the National Treasury
  (Not applicable)
VIII. Quality Management System (QMS) Certification by an international certifying body (ICB)
  A. ISO 9001:2015 Certificate
  B. ISO 27001:2013 Certificate
IX. System of Ranking of Delivery Units
  A. System of Ranking Delivery Units 2018
PBB Forms 3a and 3b
  B. System of Ranking Delivery Units 2017
  C. System of Ranking Delivery Units 2016
X. The Agency Review and Compliance Procedure of Statements and Financial Disclosures
  HGC Internal Review and Compliance Procedure in the filing and submissions of SALNs
XI. Freedom of Information (FOI) Manual
  FOI Manual
  People's FOI Manual
  HGC FOI Certificate
  HGC Information Inventory
  FOI Summary Report
  FOI Registry